Adult Swimming Classes

Adult Swim Classes Now at SLTHC

What is it?

This class is an opportunity for anyone 18+ to learn the basics of swimming or brush up on your technique!


We will run week-long lesson sessions from 6:30-7 am (M-F) beginning June 10.


Beginner Class: You will learn the basics of water safety and how to swim. Skills covered in this class will be Freestyle, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, rhythmic breathing, and floating. This class is ideal for those without much background knowledge and who want to develop their confidence in the water.

Stroke Technique Class: You will dive deeper into the four competitive strokes and start to master your technique. This class is optimal for those with a basic understanding of swimming and who want to improve their current ability. Skills covered here will vary depending on the needs of the class.

Classes have six spots per session. Please bring your own goggles!

Registration is available at the front desk.