InBody Result Sheet Interpretation

InBody Result Sheet Interpretation

1. Personal ID

A unique identifier – your name or ID that will identify you to the InBody computer. The ID can be up to 14 alpha-numeric characters.

2. Body Composition Analysis

This section breaks down the individual’s body composition into distinct components. Weight is the sum of Body Fat Mass and Lean Body Mass. Lean Body mass is the sum of Dry Lean Mass and Total Body Water. Total Body Water is the sum of Intracellular Water and Extracellular Water. Intracellular Water is the total amount of water inside the body’s cell and Extracellular Water is the total amount of water outside the body’s cells.

3. Muscle-Fat Analysis

Compare Skeletal Muscle Mass (SMM) to Body Fat Mass. The healthy range for both is indicated by the “-” at the top of the chart. Generally, the longer the Skeletal Muscle Mass bar is when compared to the Body Fat Mass bar, the healthier the individual’s balance is between muscle and fat, an indicator of decreased health risk. Skeletal Muscle Mass is the amount of skeletal muscle, which is attached to the bones and produces movement. Body Fat Mass is the sum of all the fat in the body including the subcutaneous fat, visceral fat, and fat surrounding/within muscles. Subcutaneous fat is found beneath the skin, while visceral fat is found surrounding internal organs in the abdomen.

4. Obesity Analysis

BMI is a calculation of weight divided by height squared and is commonly used as a general health marker. the healthy range for BMI recommended by the World Health Organization is 18.5 – 25.0 kg/m2. Percent Body Fat (PBF) is the percentage of body fat compared to body weight. A healthy range for PBF is 10-20% for males and 18-28% for females.

5. Segmental Lean Analysis

The top bar shows the amount of Lean Body Mass in each segment for that individual compared to the healthy average for others with the same height and gender, while the bottom bar represents the sufficiency of the segment’s Lean Body Mass for supporting the individual’s current weight.

6. ECW/TBW Analysis

ECW/TBW, the ratio of Extracellular Water to Total Body Water, is an important indicator of whether your body water is balanced. High ECW/TBW can be indicative of inflammation, swelling, or edema, while a lower ECW/TBW is typically observed in individuals with higher amounts of SMM. Understanding where your normal ECW/TBW is can help you identify deviations that may be indicative of changes in fluid balance due to hydration, lifestyle or health status.

7. Body Composition History

Track the history of body composition changes. Take the InBody Test periodically to monitor your progress. Continuously measuring under the same ID allows the InBody to save each test for future comparison. The Body Composition History allows an individual to track changes in body composition over the last eight test results (if selecting ‘Recent’) or a cumulative graph that shows the total progress from the first to most recent test (if selecting ‘Total’).

8. Body Fat-Lean Body Mass Control

Body Fat-Lean Body Mass Control displays the recommended changes in body fat and lean mass to obtain the healthy average Percent Body Fat for your gender (15% for males, 23% for females). The “+” means to gain and the “-” means to lose.


This displays the distribution of fat in each part of the body. The amount of fat in each segment is shown in parentheses, while the bars display how the individual’s segmental fat mass compares to the healthy average.

10. Basal Metabolic Rate

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the minimum number of calories needed for life-sustaining bodily function at a resting state.

11. Visceral Fat Level

Visceral Fat Level is located in the abdominal region between the organs. The Visceral Fat Level is a numerical representation of how much visceral fat an individual has. It is recommended to stay below a Visceral Fat Level of 10 (equates to 100 cm2 of Visceral Fat Area) to decrease risk for chronic disease.

12. Impedance

Impedance is the resistance value measured when electrical currents are applied throughout the body. Based on the measured data, key body composition outputs can be analyzed. Impedance values can also be assessed for many research applications.